Cuba Criticizes Call of Duty: Black Ops


Cuba's tell-course media has powerfully criticized Call of Obligation: Black Ops for portraying an attempted character assassination of Castro, claiming that it glorifies illegal behavior and encourages "sociopathic attitudes" in young.

Cuba's relationship with the Merged States has been famously contentious since a young Fidel Castro led a band of Marxist revolutionaries to overthrow the authorities in the late 50s. Attempts by the CIA to assassinate Castro – more than 600 multiplication, according to some reports – haven't helped smooth those waters finished the days. It's not terribly surprising, then, that the Cuban government would be a lilliputian touchy about a videogame that turns that messy history into mainstream entertainment.

"What the Suprasegmental States couldn't accomplish in more than 50 age, they are forthwith trying to do virtually," an article on the country-run intelligence site Cubadebate says, referring to an early Black Ops delegac in which players combat their way through the streets of Havana in an attempt to kill Castro presently after his putsch.

"This unprecedented video courageous is doubly perverse," information technology continues. "On the one hand, it glorifies the illegal assassination attempts the USA government planned against the Cuban leader… and on the other, it stimulates personality disorder attitudes in Continent children and adolescents."

It's an understandably sore smudge, but Texas A&M psychological science professor Christopher Ferguson said the article's claim that studies have shown a connec between violent play and opposing-social behavior is incorrect. Saying that in that respect's very much of "rhetoric and political sympathies going on," he nibbed out that while videogaming is more popular than ever atomic number 3 mainstream amusement, violence among youth in the United States of America "is at its last-place level in 40 years."

Even though it's been much than fivesome decades since Castro's revolution, during which clock the U.S. has normalized relations with old foes like the Soviet North, China and Vietnam, it still maintains a strict trade in and travel embargo against Cuba. Castro, now 84 and frail only still the head of the Country Communist Party, aforesaid in 1998 that he's survived so many attempts on his aliveness that when he does really die, nobody will think it.

Source: Rube! Finance


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